Опубликован 2021-12-03

Methods of teaching English to young learners


Annotation: This article is devoted to techniques of teaching English to young
learners. Young learners' interests and their age should be taken int o consideration
when choosing teaching strategies. More activities could be used for the purpose of
the lesson more fascinating and exciting. The teachers’ techniques in teaching
English to young learners were singing a song, games, presentation practice and
production, drilling, demonstration, story-telling, reading aloud, and dictation. The
best teaching techniques implemented by the teachers were playing games,
demonstration and presentation practice and production.
Keywords: Young learners, teachers’ techniques, activities, teaching English,

Как цитировать

Suyunova, G. (2021). Methods of teaching English to young learners. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 5(10). извлечено от https://journal.jdpu.uz/index.php/fll/article/view/4138


Go'zal Suyunova


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